The nice man from the post office recently dropped a letter through the door which stated that CWaC are proposing more 20mph zones for Winsford. This sparked my attention because the highlighted streets included the one I live on and others within the Glebe Green area of Swanlow Ward and one road in the Over and Verdin Ward. At the bottom of the blog you'll find the relevant map.
The data collected by CWaC to support this proposal shows that most of us don't travel at more than 20mph on most of these roads - so changing the speed limit merely reflects what most of us are already doing in any event.
Most of what is proposed in the scheme is uncontroversial - given that only one of the roads (The Loont) is a through road, all the others being cul-de-sacs. I don't have any evidence of drag racing on Over Hall Drive for example that makes me think that we are in desperate need a new sign for that road.
However there are aspects that we all need to think about the whole scheme across Winsford and its effect on certain areas.
How do we feel about the short lengths of road - such Delamere Street/Chester Road , which rapidly change from 20mph to 30 mph to 40 mph within a matter of yards (or metres for the modern folk)? Sure, I am 100% in agreement with the 20 mph in front of Over St Johns school and any other school in the whole town and borough (although interestingly enough, Whitegate Primary School "does not meet the requirements" apparently) but what does it mean for the rest of the road and users along it when clearly limits are not enforced?
I don't have the exact figures for how much these schemes will cost but the letter I received said anywhere from £1,000 to £6,000 for this relatively small patch. Winsford itself would therefore be far in excess of that - perhaps even above £60,000 given the total budget the Labour have set aside for the scheme is a staggering £800,000
So if you had say £60,000 to spend on road safety schemes in Winsford - would you choose putting your money into 20 mph signs on roads where those speeds are not exceeded or something else? I know many people want to see a pelican crossing on Delamere by Littler Lane - that would cost a little more than £25,000. What about sorting out the junction on Grange Lane and the High Street once and for all? Or the installation of a speed camera along Swanlow Lane to catch a few speeders? Or a flashing speed sign on Cinder Hill in Whitegate? Those are just a few projects around Winsford that could be done with that sort of money.
Would you put the £60,000 to bringing a quality CCTV system to Town Park?
Lots to think about .....but by the time Labour work it out, the money would have long been spent.