Delamere Street
Chester Road
Just two streets, you might know them...they might even be streets where you live.
The ones I am talking about are in Winsford. One starts at the Over roundabout, the other is the A54 but we pick it up as you enter Winsford (heading to the residential area). However, both meet "in the middle" so to speak.
So, they are connected, they are interdependent and they suffer the same fate as many of our roads......POTHOLES.
"Oh NO" I hear you scream. Perhaps you dare to believe that under CWaC labour there couldn't be any potholes, anywhere. After all, there were record complaints last year and they all got fixed right? I mean, they must have been....Government has just given then 3.5 Million on top of the many other times they have given CWaC money to fix the roads (potholes).
Now, I know some of you read my blog and think, "Come on you go again, giving those poor Labour lot a hard time, like the times you said they don't listen and that they don't know what they are doing - they must be hard pressed to leave a couple of potholes on Delamere street"
Well, I'm a reasonable bloke - maybe one or two potholes, yes. Maybe Labour have other things to do like writing Notices of Motion in Council which result in strongly worded letters to Government Ministers or hiring another couple of consultants to tell us what we already know, yes, maybe.
That wouldn't explain the lunar landscape that is Delamere street or Chester Road though, would it? You know, the bits in between the traffic "Cushions" that has been filled more times than a taxis fuel tank? Or the road markings which you can barely make out the word "School" or the row of holes before one of the raised areas which make Beechers Brook at Aintree look like a puddle?
I'm even thinking of sending them a picture of a Zebra so that they can understand what colours the stripes on the crossings should be (in case you don't know - it's black and white).
The fact is, this road is a MESS. It needs an overhaul, it is gone past it sell by date and half-hearted attempts to fix it only make it worse.
I have of course taken this up with the fellas at the local highways department (and here I will commend them for all the help they have given me over the years - a very dedicated team which I enjoy working with) to ask them when it will be done or to find out even if it is on the priority list.
It turns out there is a new system and now everything that was kept local has moved over to the bods in Chester. "Good luck in finding out about it, Cllr Baynham" was my own internal reply when I heard that great news.
I will keep campaigning, Labour will keep dodging. This will be the dance until perhaps nearer the election some "magical" amount of money will be found to fix Delamere Street and Chester Road. I'll leave it to the reader to make any decisions then about why it took so long.
They have the money, I would like them to spend it but perhaps, just perhaps, awarding one of their own an extra few thousand to chair a committee is money better spent.
Until then, safe driving but mind the potholes.......