Well, I hope you are all easing into the new year well enough and that you are not feeling too battered by Storms Ciara and Dennis?
Another battering is coming our way in Winsford of course as the Labour tax rises come barreling our way once again led by the cheery band of Labour Cllrs telling us how much it really isn't and how they don't get anything from the Government to help (they do, money in such large quantities they forget to ever mention it).
4.99% from our Labour Police and Crime Commissioner (even after cutting support for our Remembrance day parade)
1.99% from the Labour led Fire Authority
6% from the Momentum dominated Winsford Town Council.....
Wait...did I get that right?? 6% after the blockbuster 10% last year? Really?
Yes indeed - courtesy of legal team Stitch, Up & sons we get another 6% rise in our WTC precept this year.
Is that a lot? it is after all ONLY another 6p a week and it's only because of Tory Cuts right? Errr....NO. The Town Council does not get money from the government in grants, everything it needs is raised in the precept - the money they get from you and me (maybe more from you than me if you live in a Band H dwelling but I don't think we have many, if at all, of those mansions in Winsford - happy to be corrected on that one).
So this is money that the Labour led WT Council "need" from us to deliver the services etc. for the next year.
It's this point of "need" that is the point I stood up at Town Council on Monday this week to challenge and I would like to explain the reasons why that challenge was necessary for the hard working taxpayers of Winsford to have their say.
Compared to last year WTC is spending £20,000 LESS on public buildings (the Guildhall), £10,000 LESS on grants to organisations, 1,000 LESS on printing. This is £35,000 which could be spent on other important items without raising the precept. Compared to last year £15,000 MORE on "events management" and £35,000 on "special Items (play Leadership)" although there is already an allocated amount for Play Leadership later in the Budget).
At this point, we are about even with perhaps a few questions around the special items and the event management hikes.....and then the kicker....
£31,000 on participatory budgets...gulp....what are they for I hear you ask? Well, these are being sold to us from the CO-OP....sorry from the Labour CO-OP members as an opportunity for community groups to apply for money from the council to help fund groups, ideas, events. Hmmm...didn't we do that before? Apparently so - such a great success that only the old-timers know about it.
I've called it a "slush"...twice in fact during my speech on Monday. £31,000 of YOUR money to fund ideals which your Labour Loony left Cllrs - some who continue to call WTC a Co-operative Council, which it is not, it is a Council with members of Labour CO-OP on (because they are to scared to say Corbyn supporting Marxists) - wish to use to fund their left agenda and make them look like the good guys come voting time.
I'm waiting with baited breath on who applies for monies, who receives monies and the Guardian headlines they will receive when residents either respond to their loaded and orchestrated polls or go cap in hand to them for money.
As a CWAC Tory Cllr, this one really troubles me, the level of politics at this level, the disrepute that this Labour group has brought to the town and the appearance of self-service and disregard for others is very troublesome. I cannot believe Winsford needs Millitant leadership, with far left socialist ideals and many I have spoken to have said they feel duped by what they voted for being different to what they received.
But there is a glimmer of hope for our town - Cllr Mellor (Lab) actually voted against the budget saying the money belonged in residents pockets. I salute her for that after all the raises and while the Council sits on money they can get from the Greedy Pig site disposal and the £150,000 sitting in the capital fund and £322,000 at Statement closing January 10th.
Seems there is plenty of money around...despite those Tories eh? 34,000 reasons to cheer indeed.....